6 Anti-Aging Treatments You Never Knew

Skin rejuvenation salon treatment

A variety of anti-aging procedures have become available and familiar to many women around the world. A variety of beauty injections, mesothelioma, peels, lifts and massages are becoming part of our daily lives. However, this does not mean that cosmetologists have anything else to be surprised about.

Advances in modern cosmetology, thanks to the use of state-of-the-art equipment and the use of new, innovative medicines, allow you to take care of even those parts of the body that often take care of the age of the most well-groomed woman. Are you interested? We offer you to get acquainted with the most exciting new products that have not yet gained wide popularity, but have every chance of success in the near future.

Raising and rejuvenating the ear bible

They pay a lot of attention to skin and body care, the vast majority of women often miss small details that are almost invisible to them. For example, how long do you pay attention to what the ear bone looks like? Unfortunately, this part of the body can also give age. In addition, with the loss of anterior elasticity, the puncture of the earrings becomes an elongated grooved look and does not look aesthetically pleasing. However, you should not rush to change the hairstyle to cover the ears with long stems. A solution has been found!

Some salons and clinics of aesthetic medicine offer their clients a procedure for removing the earlobe, which is based on injections of preparations containing hyaluronic acid. Injections can eliminate skin deformation and shrinkage, restore tissue volume and elasticity. The effect of such anti-aging procedures is achieved very quickly and lasts for about a year.

Neck Lipolysis: Fast and Safe Rejuvenation

Almost every woman over the age of forty has the problem of premature aging of the skin around the décolleté. Here wrinkles appear early enough, the skin becomes dry and faded. Of course, using different peels, masks and creams saves the situation for some time. However, sooner or later there comes a moment when these measures are not enough. Fortunately, modern women who try their best to maintain the beauty and youth of their body will be helped by a rejuvenating lipolifling procedure that can be used not only on the chest and neck, but also in other areas where it is necessary.

But what is lipolysis? This procedure is similar in technique to "beauty injections", in that the patient's processed fat, extracted from the area, acts as a filler and he has an excess.

A drug based on its own fat cells usually takes root well, allowing for a shorter rehabilitation period. Experts note that the effect of such a procedure is quite long and lasts up to three to four years.

Liposculpture: Get Rid of Spinal Fatty Rolls

Fat-hate rolls on the back and sides, which can spoil the impression of the most spectacular dress, probably brought a lot of negative emotions to many women. Meanwhile, even a strict diet and intensive training at the fitness club does not always allow you to quickly get rid of fat deposits on your back.

In this case, the liposuction procedure, which is performed using special equipment, will help you to quickly achieve the desired result. During the procedure, an ultrasound wave, which acts on the skin through small holes, helps to remove excess fat tissue. The fat turns into a liquid and dissolves on the outside. Gentle ultrasound effect reduces postoperative hematomas and swelling.

In addition, corrective underwear should be worn during recovery.

Plasma therapy is a safe and effective anti-aging procedure

Rejuvenating skin treatment

Plasma therapy (or plasmolifting) procedure has already gained wide popularity in many countries. During the anti-aging procedure, the patient was injected with his own blood plasma.

Plasma is isolated from erythrocytes and after filtration the increased number of platelets is injected into a special area. The procedure helps to restore the intracellular layer of the dermatological layer of the skin. Intake of blood plasma activates stem cell growth and promotes skin rejuvenation.

As a result of plasmolifting:

  • Thin wrinkles smooth out;
  • Skin acquires a healthier and more even tone;
  • Due to the active production of collagen, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases.

The procedure is one of the safest and most hypoallergenic methods of skin rejuvenation, but it is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in acute infectious diseases;
  • for blood diseases;
  • During kidney problems.

Usually, the course consists of 5-6 procedures with an interval of 15-20 days. Experts note that the result is already visible after the second session of plasma therapy.

The Mesobotox Method - A Revolution in Neck Care

Filling in the neck rejuvenation threads is another procedure that has just started to gain popularity. These are familiar Botox injections that will help redistribute the tone of different muscles in the neck, allowing you to quickly and effectively get rid of wrinkles.

If the injection sites and the dose of the medicine have been calculated correctly, you will see results as the swelling subsides - in about a week. It should be noted that it is better to entrust the performance of anti-aging procedure to an experienced cosmetologist.

The procedure will not cause you much discomfort, the injection of the drug takes only 5-10 minutes. There are several methods of taking the drug, each of which allows you to fight a specific type of wrinkles. The resulting effect lasts from three to five months.

Anti-aging hand injections

Hand skin also needs special anti-aging treatment. Age-related changes: Flexible, dry, wrinkled skin, pronounced, "old" veins, can no longer be neutralized using only conventional cosmetics. Even special procedures: massages, baths and bandages, give only short-term results. To achieve a more tangible and long-lasting effect, modern cosmetology offers the use of hyaluronic acid biorevitalization procedures - injections of preparations prepared on the basis of hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid content, which regulates skin moisture, decreases with age. Such injections of facial rejuvenation have long been not surprising, but the hands also require no less care and attention. As a result of the course of biorevitalization, skin tone is significantly improved, becoming smoother and more elastic.

It should be noted that the preparations used for injections are hypoallergenic and can be used not only on the surface but also in the deeper layers of the skin.

So, even if you feel that using the most expensive cosmetics does not bring the desired result for face and body care, you should not despair. The use of new, revolutionary technologies can work wonders, awakening the body’s hidden reserves.